Tim Adams Clare Valley Riesling 750ml

Tim Adams Clare Valley Riesling 750ml

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Tim Adams Clare Valley Riesling

Our 2018 Riesling is made primarily from grapes grown at our "Irelands" and "Bayes" vineyards, as well as from our valued growers, the Baum, Morrison and Radford families. The wine demonstrates the brilliant, dry growing conditions of the vintage, showing richness of fruit flavour and balanced crisp natural acidity. The use of only free-run juice allows true Clare Valley citrus and floral characters to dominate, displaying our commitment to quality and regionality. The blend of the vineyards selected for this wine has produced a Riesling with both immediate food compatibility and the flexibility of a potential cellaring period of at least 10 years. Tim Adams Director of Winemaking

6.5 UK Units per glass Standard Drinks

Alcohol By Volume: 11
Tasting Notes: The wine demonstrates the brilliant, dry growing conditions of the vintage, showing richness of fruit flavour and balanced crisp natural acidity 

Color NONE



£30 charge for orders less than £100 

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