Porta 6 White Wine 750ml

Porta 6 White Wine 750ml

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White Wine

Porta 6 White Wine 750ml

Relax with a glass of Porta 6 White! It is aromatic, fresh and lively, with crisp fruity flavours, making it perfect to sip and enjoy with good friends on a sunny day.

Type of Closure: Natural Cork

Current Vintage: 2022
Producer: Vidigal
Grape Variety: Arinto, Viosinho, Chardonnay, Viognier
Winemaker: António Mendes Lopes, António Ventura, Rafael Neuparth and Arnaldo Simões
Agent: Guy Anderson Wines
Vinification Details: Crushing and soft press, followed by clarification. Fermentation occurs at a controlled temperature (15ºC)
History: Vidigal Wines is a family run, medium size wine company that produces Still and Dessert Wines. Located in the center of Portugal, nearby the city of Leiria. Vidigal was established in the beginning of the 20th Century in a winery founded by a Church Canon.
Regional Information: Vidigal produce this wine in Lisboa from vineyards close to the Atlantic Ocean and as such the sea breeze has an influence on the wines they produce, creating wines which are fresh and always very fruity.

Alcohol By Volume: 12.5
Units: 9.4 

Color NONE



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