Blossom Hill Chardonnay 750ml

Blossom Hill Chardonnay 750ml


Smooth & Elegant

Ever wondered what sunshine tastes like? This deliciously fresh white is bursting with melon and citrus notes and a vanilla hint on finish. Best enjoyed with friends (and plenty of sizzling conversation).

Type of Closure: Screwcap

Current Vintage: 2019
Producer: Blossom Hill
Grape Variety: Chardonnay
Agent: Treasury Wine Estates
Vinification Details: Blossom Hill wines are made with the minimum of intervention, trying to bring as much of the natural fruit flavours from vineyard to your glass.
History: Blossom Hill was created 30 years ago, and has become the darling of the wine drinking public, with its distinctive floral label, and easy-drinking, fruity styles. Full of big, fruity flavours. When it comes to our wines, we think about their taste first and foremost - sumptuous, mouth-watering and delicious. From juicy red berries to zesty citrus and wonderful watermelons there's a whole world of taste. So that's all we talk about when we talk about our wines.
Regional Information: Our place in California is tucked away in the rolling hills country side, not far from San José. All around are the straight rows of lush green vines under a big Californian sky. Blossom Hill wines are made with the minimum of intervention, trying to bring as much of the natural fruit flavours from vineyard to your glass.

Alcohol By Volume: 12
Units: 9

Statutory/Years: 18 

Color NONE



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