Bacardi­ Reserva Ocho Rare Gold Rum 700ml

Bacardi­ Reserva Ocho Rare Gold Rum 700ml



Bacardi­ Reserva Ocho Rare Gold Rum 700ml

Bacardi 8 Year Old Rum is expertly crafted and hand blended by Maestros de Ron Bacardi. Each batch is made from a special selection of barrel-aged reserve rums, ranging from 8 to 9 years old and due to being shaped using a secret blend of charcoals it is smoother than any Cognac. After the master blenders achieve the desired taste profile, the rum is bottled and sealed with a cork. Bacardi 8 Year Old has a very complex flavour with many different layers that develop as you sip it. The most distinctive flavour is a pronounced dried stone-fruit note, specifically prune with some hints of black cherry. Wood notes are prominent with oak and maple shining through alongside vanilla, caramel, toffee, butterscotch and spices - ginger, cinnamon, clove, all spice and nutmeg. Its sweetness is floral and honeyed with caramelised banana balanced with the warm earthiness of walnuts and pecans. It has an expansive and well-rounded sweet finish with the slight piquant bitterness of orange zest.

Alcohol By Volume: 40
Units: 28
Tasting Notes: Bacardí 8 Year Old Premium Golden Rum's exceptional rum flavouring combines subtle notes of oak and maple along with vanilla and caramel, embellished with ginger and cinnamon. Its relaxed golden rum sweetness is floral and honeyed, and is balanced by an expansive and well-rounded finish that reveals a light, piquant bitterness of orange zest
Serving Suggestion: This well-rounded sipping aged rum is best savoured neat over a generous serving of ice 

Color NONE



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